Crossover Wiki

This page explains in detail the interactions between the Donkey Kong series and the Minimoni de Bremen no Ongakutai series.

Donkey Konga 2 (Japanese version)[]

2004071 July 1, 2004


S ドンキーコンガ2 ラッキーチャチャチャ! Full Combo ハード

Sub-universe link: Elements from Minimoni de Bremen no Ongakutai are fictional within Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong4Arrow L Minimoni de Bremen no Ongakutai

The Japanese version of the game features "Lucky Cha Cha Cha!", the ending theme song to the miniseries Minimoni de Bremen Ongakutai, as one of the playable tracks.

See here for other songs featured in the game.


The creators of Donkey Konga 2 were licensed to use the song by its owners.
