Crossover Wiki

This page explains in detail the interactions between the Monster Hunter series and the Zelda series.

Monster Hunter 4[]

2013914 September 14, 2013

MH4 Link

In-universe link: Elements from Zelda exist within Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter4Arrow L Zelda

In the Nintendo 3DS-exclusive game Monster Hunter 4 there are costumes for the characters based on Mario and Luigi from the Mario series (see Mario X Monster Hunter) and on Link from the Zelda series.

The Link costume can be worn by human characters, both male and female, and it's based specifically on Link's incarnation from Skyward Sword, coming complete with the Master Sword, Hylian Shield and Sacred Bow. Since these are used as weapons to fight monsters, they can be considered actual incarnations of the weapons, making this an In-universe link.


Nintendo authorized Capcom to include Mario and Zelda costumes in Monster Hunter 4 to create a double way marketing, with the game promoting the console and vice versa.
